Discount in Java | infoStud blogs, Java Code, Java program, Java Code for Practice


Write a program in Java to find out the discounted amount according to the below mention conditions, also find the total profit. 


if Amount <1000: 

Print=  No Discount applicable + Amount

if Amount >=1000 && Amount<=2000; Discount = 20%

Print= Total Pay and Profit

if Amount >=2000 && Amount<=5000; Discount = 25%

Print= Total Pay and Profit

if Amount >=5000; Discount = 30%

Print= Total Pay and Profit

Test Conditions

Amount = 200

Total Pay = 200

Profit = 0

Amount = 7000

Total Pay = 4900 Rs

Profit = 2100 Rs

Amount = 4500

Total Pay = 3375 Rs

Profit = 1125 Rs


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Discount {
    public static void main(String args[]){
        System.out.println("Enter the total Amount");
        Scanner sc = new Scanner( ;
        int Amount = sc.nextInt();

        if(Amount>1000 && Amount<=2000){
            int Discount = (Amount*20)/100;
            int Total = (Amount-Discount);
            int Profit = (Amount-Total);
            System.out.println("Total Pay: "+Total+" Rs");
      System.out.println("Total Profit: "Profit+" Rs");
        if(Amount>=2000 && Amount <=5000){
            int Discount = (Amount*25)/100;
            int Total = (Amount-Discount);
            int Profit = (Amount-Total);
            System.out.println("Total Pay: "+Total+" Rs");
            System.out.println("Total Profit: "Profit+" Rs");
            int Discount = (Amount*30)/100;
            int Total = (Amount-Discount);
            int Profit = (Amount-Total);
            System.out.println("Total Pay: "+Total+" Rs");
            System.out.println("Total Profit: "Profit+" Rs");
          System.out.println("No Discount, You have to pay 
full Amount: "+Amount+" Rs");


Enter the total Amount
No Discount, You have to pay full Amount: 200 Rs

Enter the total Amount
Total Pay: 4900 Rs
Total Profit: 2100Rs

Enter the total Amount
Total Pay: 3375 Rs
Total Profit: 1125 Rs